Director Message

Mrs. Deepa Gupta

(Director) Takshila Academy Pvt. Ltd.

The proof lies in the huge success rate of Takshila Institute's students year after year.

The proof lies in the huge success rate of Takshila Institute's students year after year. Since its inception, Takshila Institute has been a distinctive intellectual and educational community, and the values that underpinned its establishment have been an important guide since that time. Marking the 21th anniversary of Takshila Institute founding will provide special opportunities for reflection on these values and how their manifestations over time have shaped us and our vital work in knowledge disbursement. Visionary founder N.K.Gupta viewed free expression as an essential basis for an institution where strength of ideas, not social standing or other considerations, would determine success in education and research. It is a legacy we have all inherited and a value we must preserve. When Takshila Institute was founded 21 years ago, it set itself apart from most comparable institutions by its commitment to the admission of persons from all backgrounds who could benefit from and contribute to the intellectual life. Our victory depends upon the steady commitment of workforce who recognize that producing thoughts that improve understanding, improve human life, contribute to the stewardship of the world’s societies, and create the environment for inquiry-based education form the core of Takshila Institute’s inheritance and its future.Perhaps the most distinctive attribute in 20 years has been its deep and unwavering commitment to open discourse, free expression, and a singular focus on rigorous inquiry. I am grateful for the dedication that everyone has demonstrated towards 21 years of excellence at Takshila Institute. I feel a significant sense of duty for being portion of Takshila Institute’s glad bequest of groundbreaking thoughts and transformational instructive encounters and building on the solid establishment made by N.K.Gupta. With education and knowledge at an inflection point, we must strive to equip future leaders with the competence and character to address emerging challenges.